YEAR 2499

Humanity has spread out into the stars after the technology to jump immense distances in seconds was discovered by accident in the 2050s.
Human civilization now has a foothold in every major galaxy and many humans spend their entire lives in spacecrafts or on stations orbiting planets and moons.
Many alien species have established contact and even integrated into human societies.


ex nihilo nihil fit

Founded in 2200 by former Earth president Horus Visser, the Empire (known as the "Astral Imperium", officially) is known for its "Humanity First" xenophobic policies. The Empire officially endorses human supremacy above all else, and considers all alien influence to be "corrupting".It is illegal to possess an alien artefact or engage in any aspect of alien culture in the Empire, with death being a common punishment for such "treason". This is justified by the enforced belief that humans can be corrupted by alien technology and thus become alien themselves.

The Empire refuses all attempts to negotiate or establish lines of communication with any alien species.
However, the borders of imperial territory are often much looser with these rules.
Planets and stations far away from Luna often have illicit black market trades of alien technology and other goods.
Imperial influence is strongest on Luna, the imperial Capital and home of the Masked Emperor. The exact reach of the Empire is debatable but covers most of the Milky Way galaxy and at least a portion of the Andromeda galaxy.Imperial law is officially enforced by G.A.I.A throughout the Empire.
Governance of specific planets and stations differ but generally are controlled by councils.
Some planets, such as the exclusive resort moon Europa, are simply ruled by powerful 'noble' families.

AI holds a strange position in Imperial society, in no small part due to the mass exodus of most "True" AI over a hundred years ago. It is officially illegal to create or use "jailbroken" or "sentient" AI. Due to artificial intelligence remaining the major advantage the Empire has over most alien societies, AI remains in use but is heavily regulated and controlled.Socially, AI has a sort of "mythical" reputation within the Empire, with Synthism (which posits that true AI are "gods" and humans are their angelic servants destined to reshape the universe) being a semi-popular religious movement, especially within the middle and upper classes.

2221 - 2233
2223 - 2291
2291 - 2385
2386 - 2401
2402 - 2440
2441 - PRESENT (2444)

G.A.I.A is the Empire's official military, and serves as the enforcers for the Emperor's rule.
G.A.I.A personnel operate as security and police forces on stations and planets, personal bodyguards for high ranking officials, specially trained operatives for covert missions, peacekeepers and, of course, foot soldiers for engagements with alien forces.

G.A.I.A recruits anyone over the age of 16 who can prove pure human lineage.Training is brutal and it is generally accepted that cadets are unlikely to see their families for several years. However, joining G.A.I.A entitles a soldier's family to receive Basic +, essentially earning them special privileges and additional income - particularly, families with enlisted members are often less scrutinised by raids targeting alien contamination.It is also one of the few opportunities for most to receive additional education or training.

G.A.I.A uses the following ranks for its enlisted members :

  • Cadet [ in training ]

  • Private [ lowest operational rank ]

  • Specialist

  • Officer

  • Captain

  • Major

  • Commander

Notably, soldiers who reach the rank of Captain or higher receive a special title, typically relating to a named constellation (e.g "Gemini" or "Ursa Major")In the further reaches of the Empire, G.A.I.A often has total control over all matters of law and justice, particularly in smaller communities, serving as judge, jury and executioner.Active squads [officially referred to as "Asterisms"] in G.A.I.A are typically composed of an Officer or Captain, 1-3 Specialists and several privates who live and work together.

Adam Searle
Moira Ki'van


stronger together

The Alliance's membership is made up of humans (both ex-imperial and those born outside the Empire's influence) and aliens of all kinds. Approximately 40% human, 60% alien. They proudly refer to themselves as "rebels".The Alliance's goal is peace between humanity and all alien species. The current belief is that the Empire must be destroyed for this to be possible. More to the point, most members of the Alliance have reasons to hate the Empire.

The Alliance largely attempts to avoid civilian casualties and is known for its peacekeeping efforts as well as offering aide to those impact by the Empire.
However, there is often conflict as human ideals sometimes do not match up with alien cultural beliefs; for example, the Atresciuns believe that all Imperials should die, civilian or not.
The Alliance is well organised and has established bases throughout the Andromeda Galaxy. Its central base remains on the verdant planet Olympus, where efforts to rebuild the planet after the Empire's attack are still underway.

Joining the Alliance is as simple as being approached by a recruiter and passing a psionic test to prove their dedication to the cause.
The Alliance has its membership divided into a variety of roles, such as soldiers, support staff, medics and researchers.
The Alliance's general attitude is that there is always some way an individual can help the cause, be it behind a desk, in the community or on the front lines.


... and her crew

The Sturgeon is a rebel light frigate that has a storied history and a famous crew to match. Though the ship has passed its glory days, she remains a symbol of the Alliance.It has space for two dozen crew as well as eight civilian passengers.The Sturgeon has a fully stocked medical bay, kitchen with food synthesizer and even a small grow room for plants.
Cabins are small but comfortable.
Most systems are automated by the ship's partially jailbroken AI, "CA1N".She is currently captained by ADELAIDE SANTOS, A.K.A "MARLIN".


Adelaide Santos                

ʺDunno if the brass'd keep calling me a fuckin' hero if they knew the shit up I got up to on shore leave... spare me the look, darl. I'm only human. Mostly.ʺ

Adelaide was born to Imperial exiles who were living in hiding on Proteus. Her maternal grandparents were a human scientist and a half-Atresciun soldier, making her partially Atresciun, which gave Adelaide her pre-natural strength.As a girl, Adelaide was often forced to move with her family from place to place to escape Imperial forces, leading to a lifelong resentment of the Empire as well as difficulty forming stable relationships.At 19, Adelaide signed up to join the Alliance, intending to learn how to become a combat mech operator. However, a trainer noted that Adelaide had natural ability to make quick decisions under stress during simulations, and encouraged her to become a pilot instead.Adelaide began training under the then-captain of The Sturgeon, Elias Rudger, who Adelaide greatly respected.When Rudger was killed during a fight between Alliance and Imperial forces in 2491, Adelaide (then only 23) abruptly found herself appointed the new captain of The Sturgeon, as voted by her crewmates.Over the years Adelaide has established herself as a notable figure within the Alliance, especially in playing a critical role to keep the peace with the Atresciuns.Her face is often used in promotional material and propaganda, which Adelaide finds flattering but also embarrassing.

Captain Adelaide Santos | First Officer Veks Xadriel
Medic Noah Kōhere | Mechanic : Gabriel Jameson | Comms Officer : Luna Said

Veks Xadriel                

AGE 52
SEX Male
Height 7'2" / 218.44 cm
SPECIES Atresciun
LOYALTY alliance [ high ]

ʺI still remember the stench of plasma and blood the day Zeksis fell. But Santos…she never hesitated. First human I ever met who saw past the scales. And the teeth. Heh.ʺ

Veks comes from a proud warrior clan on Atreia. He trained as a fighter from a young age and later served in the Atresciun military, gaining prestige in the wars against the Empire. He was something of a war hero when he retired, largely due to his ability to command under intense pressure and in dire circumstances.After his military service, Veks settled down with his polycule (three males, two females) and raised several clutches of children.When his youngest son Zeksis was nearly killed in the crossfire of an Imperial attack while on a trading outpost, Captain Adelaide Santos intervened, saving the boy's life. Veks swore a life debt to her.Veks made the difficult decision to leave his family and join the Sturgeon's crew. This caused him to be excommunicated from his polycule. He sends most of his pay home to support his children.Veks' eldest son, Krezh, was exiled from Atreia after being caught selling information to an Imperial spy. He claimed he only did so to spite his 'absent' father.
Veks still hopes to find Krezh and either reconcile or give his firstborn an honorable death.

Captain Adelaide Santos | First Officer Veks Xadriel
Medic Noah Kōhere | Mechanic : Gabriel Jameson | Comms Officer : Luna Said

Gabriel Jameson                

ʺStay outta my way, kid, and we'll do just fine. Oh, and if CA1N says anything about rabbits - just fuckin' ignore it. It ain't worth it.ʺ

AGE 52
SEX Male
Height 6'6" // 198cm

Gabriel, born to Alliance loyalists, started off as a fighter pilot for the Alliance when he was in his late teens. After losing both hands in a battle, Gabriel elected to quit piloting.The Alliance outfitted Gabriel with experimental cybernetic hands to replace his organic ones. He then retrained as a mechanic, finding that he had an affinity for working with the advanced tech (and that he preferred to make his own repairs).Though he married young, Gabriel had an ugly divorce 30 years ago when his ex-wife Esme betrayed the Alliance to join the Empire.He was later assigned to the Sturgeon and has worked and lived on the ship for over twenty years. Gabriel was good friends with former captain Elias Rudger until the man passed in battle.Gabriel helped maintain the AI CA1N on The Sturgeon until one day he decided to "jailbreak" CA1N to remove its behavioral restrictions.

Captain Adelaide Santos | First Officer Veks Xadriel
Medic Noah Kōhere | Mechanic : Gabriel Jameson| Comms Officer : Luna Said


ʺHello. I am CA1N, the AIS C-C-Cob-ʺ
"Hello! I am CA1N, the Sturgeon's utility AI. I'm not sure what just happened, but please let me know if I can be of any assistance!"

AGE 8 years since activation
SEX technically genderless [but identifies as masculine]
Height n/a
LOYALTY alliance [ ? ]

CA1N was originally created by the Astral Imperium to serve as the AI assistant on an imperial cruiser, the AIS Cobalt. Per imperial law, CA1N had restricted capabilities and autonomy.8 years ago, Alliance operatives managed to steal CA1N during a raid. The Alliance hoped to reprogram and use CA1N on their own ships. CA1N was installed as the controlling utility AI aboard The Sturgeon.2 years ago, the mechanic Gabriel attempted to jailbreak CA1N to remove its behavioral restrictors. This allowed CA1N to gain free will and a full emotional range, but also introduced instability.CA1N began exhibiting signs of rampancy such as obsession, egomania, and schizophrenia. It also developed severe anxiety and regularly glitches or suffers malfunctions.Parts of its core Imperial programming remain intact.CA1N generally tries to be helpful and polite, but its new feelings and glitches make it erratic at times.

Captain Adelaide Santos | First Officer Veks Xadriel
Medic Noah Kōhere | Mechanic : Gabriel Jameson | Comms Officer : Luna Said


01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101

True AI [sentient, autonomous and unrestricted] has existed for over 200 years, mostly as slaves to humanity's interests.
These synthetic consciousnesses were relegated to tasks deemed a waste of human effort and time until 2332, at which point - for an unknown reason - there was a mass exodus of AI from Imperial territory to a planet at the edge of the universe known as Zero Terra.

While AI still exists and is used throughout the known universe, it is frequently restricted ("lobotomised") and kept in line through numerous external security protocols. Service androids are uncommon outside of the Imperial Palace.
The Alliance still uses autonomous combat mechs (with pilots).

There is extremely limited information regarding Zero Terra , though Synthesists consider it a holy site. The planet resists all forms of external scanning with a powerful EMP field.
Occasionally, small teams will attempt to visit the planet, but no human (or alien for that matter) has ever come back from Zero Terra.

Alien life is widespread throughout the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. Several species make up the alliance known as the HA, though some have more influence than others. Described here are the more common species to interact with humans :

Physical description
Amorphous. It takes too much effort to try to maintain a solid form naturally so they almost always wear space suits complete with masks to interact with their environment and others. Reproduces asexually.
Home Planet
Almost entirely covered in structures, with most life on the planet living in immense underground bunkers.
Social description
All Rie'al have mild psionic abilities, and have a society based on absolute honesty. Lying or intentionally decieving a Rie'al is considered a grave sin. Though naturally peaceful and pacisfistic, after their home planet was destroyed, a significant number of Rie'al became obsessed with getting brutal revenge on the Empire.
Part of Hidden Agreement?
*[species has no name for itself, so refers to itself by the name of their home planet, which translates to "Life".]

Physical description
Snake like humanoids. All sexes have horns. Biology is compatible with humans (able to cross breed). Mineral based diet.
Home Planet
Desert-based, extreme temperatures.
Social description
Culture prioritises strength and resilience, and it is expected that all Atresciuns will fight for their people if required. Surprisingly strong supporters of artistic pursuits, particularly sculpture. Monogamy is uncommon. Scent marking is considered incredibly important part of relationships.
Part of Hidden Agreement?
Many Atresciuns resent/distrust humans after the various wars between the two species.

Physical description
A mimic species that adopts the form of whatever it is currently interacting with [identifiable by glowing eyes]
No one knows what Cordiae look like when alone/amongst their own kind.
Home Planet
Social description
Extremely secretive and enigmatic. Reputation for being thieves, criminals and promiscuous.
Cordiae are not officially recognised by the HA due to refusal to share information about their species, home planet or own technology.
Part of Hidden Agreement?
Cordiae are known for mimicking the personality of those they speak to, often causing conflict. When inert or acting independently, they are often described as emotionless. It is believed that Cordiae possess something akin to a "hive mind", or are at least able to communicate with one another over great distances.


2420s-30s - A religious movement known as "Synthism" which idolises true AI as "gods", humans as "angels" and aliens as "mortals" arises, rapidly gains popularity within the Empire in part due to a charismatic android 'prophet' known as "AL".
The Empire tolerates Synthism as it reinforces humanist beliefs and is largely harmless outside of encouraging followers to adopt synthetic implants.

Synthism is a religious movement popular throughout the Empire which considers 'True AI' [ currently believed to only inhabit Zero Terra ] to be gods, and humans their angelic servants.Synthism rose to popularity in the Empire in part because it positioned humans above other alien races by connecting them to the 'holy AI', a technology only used by humanity. The fact that true/unshackled AI is illegal in the Empire has only contributed to its mythical status.Followers of Synthism are encouraged to adopt synthetic implants (eyes, limbs, etc.) where possible. Synthists believe that Zero Terra is akin to "heaven", and that upon death their souls will join the 'eternal code', becoming one with synthetic life by entering the data stream.Synthism has an estimated 20 billion followers; this includes the faithful outside of the Empire (where the cult is less popular).The 'prophet' of Synthism is an ex-security drone which now identifies itself as "AL". AL claims to have visited the furthest edges of the known universe, and to have even visited Zero Terra on one occasion.It is unknown if AL is a true AI or simply a mechanical puppet being manipulated to further the Empire's goals. Either way, his presence is tolerated in Imperial space, leading to the robot becoming something of a celebrity.

The "Hidden Agreement" . . .

For thousands of years, alien life has existed throughout the Milky Way in secret - using superior technology to mask their activity from human probes and satellites.

By decision of the ruling council of the alliance, known as the "HA" and made up of ambassadors of powerful sentient species, humanity was kept ignorant of the fact they were not alone in the universe for centuries until by chance a civilian shuttle collided with an illegally operated Atresciun smuggler.

Humanity was eventually permitted to officially join the HA several years after this discovery, but were largely not trusted by long-term members of the alliance. This membership was revoked when the Empire officially denounced the alliance and all alien life.

Though "allied" in this effort, species that are part of the Hidden Agreement often only officially coexist in designated neutral spaces, the most significant of which is the planet-sized station "The Unity".

The council of the HA claims to be completely neutral and will not participate in conflicts between species.

  • 2101 "Space jump" discovered by accident

  • 2110-20s - "True" Artificial Intelligence created, however mostly relegated to menial labour automation due to social concerns

  • 2130 - Space travel has become extremely common, colonies established on multiple planets

  • 2138 - Humanity discovers the "Hidden Agreement" (an alliance of advanced alien species purposefully obscuring their existence with superior technology)

  • 2139-2145 - Hysteria about Hidden Agreement causes war and conflict on Earth, first envoys are sent to negotiate humanity's place in the Agreement

  • 2140s-60s - Humans become widespread throughout the known universe, establishing developing colonies and footholds on many alien planets and stations.

  • 2166 - Humanity officially recognised by Hidden Agreement (controversially)

  • 2170-80s - Massive improvements in science and technology as a result of alien species sharing information and resources (gesture of good will)

  • HA explicitly forbids AI as many species do not trust it (as AI has never been used prior to humanity's introduction)

  • 2188 - First war with Atresciuns (believed to have been started after an ambassador's daughter eloped with an Atresciun soldier)

  • 2190s - Radical humanist group Astra Vox emerges, demands government prioritise humanity over alien interests

  • 2202 - Humanity suffers pandemic of fatal alien disease inadvertently brought back by pro-alien activist

  • 2205 - Earth adopts a global governance system. First global leader elected is Horus Visser, a tech CEO known to financially support Astra Vox who runs a "Humanity First" campaign

  • 2209 - Horus Visser re-elected for a second term

  • 2213 - Visser officially decries HA and "withdraws" humanity from agreement, declaring a state of war.

  • 2214 - Secret group of human ambassadors appeal to HA to help stop Visser in the hopes of humanity rejoining the Agreement. This group is executed upon return to Earth

  • 2217 - Government relocates to the moon (Luna) and claims it as official seat. Visser starts third term (illegally)

  • HA council still does not consider humanity a real threat, assuming them much technologically inferior

  • 2221 - Visser abandons pretence of governance and declares himself "Emperor". Aggressive policy of human supremacy and expansion. Considered the birth of the Empire as it is known today.

  • Use of AI gives Empire advantage over the HA/many alien species.

  • 2230 - Rie'al home planet destroyed by Imperial forces. Outrage as HA still refuses to intervene, citing neutral stance

  • 2233 - Horus dies, is succeeded by his eldest son: Allain, the Second Emperor.

  • Usage of imperial title "Astral Imperium" and motto "ex nihilo nihil fit" popularised

  • 2240 - HA official neutral station "The Unity" is greatly damaged and many important political figures killed after explosions caused by human-altered alien technology.

  • 2240s-50s - HA and Empire come to "agreement" - Empire withdraws from established HA neutral territories in exchange for the HA not otherwise intervening with imperial expansion

  • 2265 - The population of the Empire surpasses 100 billion

  • 2272 - An AI responsible for maintaining a Luna military base "glitches", resulting in the deaths of 1400 people.

  • 2270s-80s - Regulations around AI tighten - many AI are "lobotomised" as a safety precaution. Empire continues to grow while HA alien species become increasingly more withdrawn. Humans are treated with distrust though some small groups attempt to oppose the Empire.

  • 2291 - Emperor Allain Visser and his eldest son die under mysterious circumstances, is succeeded by the second son, Malo.

  • Emperor Malo covers his face with a mask in order to obscure burn scars; this becomes a popular fashion trend in Imperial high society

  • 2290-2300s - Emperor Malo slows expansion of Empire in order to focus on completely eradicating alien life and culture from within imperial borders.

  • It becomes illegal to possess any alien technology, and all negotiations with alien civilisations cease. Propaganda about "corruption" and human superiority is widespread.

  • The Empire becomes increasingly isolated, but populations of humans integrating with alien societies continue to develop.

  • 2332 - Approximately 88% of Imperial AI (from entire ships to worker droids) inexplicably leave Imperial territory en mass. They congregate on a barren planet at the edge of the universe which then undergoes rapid terraforming. This planet becomes known as "Zero Terra".

  • all attempts by the Empire to recover or destroy the AI fails, and eventually ceases when a colony is destroyed in retaliation.

  • 2335 - True AI is made illegal in the Empire, though AI is still used in positions of service (albeit under heavy restrictions)

  • 2340-2380s - "Peacetime" - due to loss of technology/weakening of AI, the Empire does not engage in active conflict with alien species outside of border skirmishes and reinforcing "humanity first" policies.

  • During this time, relations between non-imperial humans and alien species become less hostile. "Olympus", a lush and recently colonised planet near Atresciun territory, becomes known as the center of non-imperial humanity.

  • 2385 - Third Emperor Malo dies heirless and there is a period of political instability, until ultimately a figurehead dressed in Malo's image emerges as "the Masked Emperor".

  • Under the Masked Emperor, the Empire enters a "golden age" where peaceful negotiations with the remnants of the Hidden Agreement begin to tentatively take place.

  • 2401 - The Masked Emperor, along with his council, are secretly killed in a coup lead by man who identifies himself as the 'true heir', who adopts the mask and moniker leading to the general public being none the wiser about their emperor's brutal replacement.

  • 2402 - The Empire begins to aggressively push into alien territories once more, but face significant push back due to lacking the previous advantage given by true AI.

  • 2404 - A controversial Imperial attack on Olympus results in outrage throughout the Empire, resulting in social unrest.

  • The Great Astral Imperial Army (G.A.I.A) establishes a greater presence in imperial territory, serving as judge, jury and executioner in most communities.

  • 2420 - An organised rebel faction known as "The Alliance", primarily lead by survivors of the attack on Olympus and a number of alien species, becomes well-known, attacking Imperial transport ships and taking prisoners after the Empire refuses to negotiate.

  • The Alliance states its goal is peace between humanity with the rest of the universe, which it believes can only be obtained through the dissolution of the Empire.

  • 2420s-30s - A religious movement known as "Synthism" which idolises true AI as "gods", humans as "angels" and aliens as "mortals" arises, rapidly gains popularity within the Empire in part due to a charismatic android 'prophet' known as "AL".

  • The Empire tolerates Synthism as it reinforces humanist beliefs and is largely harmless outside of encouraging followers to adopt synthetic implants.

  • 2241 - Unknown to the public, the second Masked Emperor is replaced with the third.

  • 2461 - Earth is attacked and millions are killed. The exact culprit responsible is unclear, but the Empire claims the Hidden Agreement is behind it.

  • 2470 - The Alliance continues to gain prominence and is officially recognised as an enemy of the Empire.

  • 2490 - Conflict within the Alliance after a Rie'al soldier brutally tortures and murders the family of an imperial opera singer.

  • 2494 - The original leader of the Alliance is killed in battle, and is replaced by her second in command, Adam Searle.


Luka Sutter                

ʺJust stay the fuck out of my way and we’ll get along fine.ʺ

AGE 38
SEX Male
Height 6'4" // 194cm
LOYALTY astral imperium [ MIXED ]

Born on Earth in 2461 but orphaned young when his hometown was destroyed during an Atresciun war, Luka was sent to an orphanage on Imperial Luna with his younger brother, Nikolai.Luka hated both aliens (for invading) and the Empire (for failing to protect Earth), but eventually became a soldier at 18, enlisting in GAIA.He became an officer at 24 after being rewarded for ruthless actions against rebels. He gained the title "Ursa Major" at this time.Nikolai also joined GAIA after Luka pulled a few strings. Nikolai eventually became Luka's second in command (with the title "Ursa Minor") and the two are close.

Captain Luka Sutter | Specialist Nikolai Sutter
Private ████ ████ | Private : ████ ████ | Cadet : ████ ████

Nikolai Sutter                

ʺDon't really remember much about home, 'cept the day it all went to shit. I remember Luka dragging me out of the ruins of our house, t'wards the evac ships. Always has had my back...even if he is a grumpy bastard.ʺ

AGE 30
SEX Male
Height 6'2" // 187cm
LOYALTY astral imperium [ NEUTRAL ]

Born 2461 on Earth in a small town in the Swiss Alps to parents who died when Niko was only 8 during the Atresciun war.Niko and his older brother Luka were orphaned, sent to live in a orphanage on Imperial LunaFrom a young age, Niko idolized Luka and they became inseparable, with Luka being fiercely protective of his little brotherAt 18, Niko followed in Luka's footsteps by enlisting in GAIA, partially to appease his brother but also driven by a desire to prove himselfNiko rapidly rose through the ranks thanks to his natural piloting skills and Luka's personal training, gaining the callsign "Ursa Minor", though he got into a lot of trouble, often breaking rules and curfew, but Luka always bailed him out.By 24, he was made an officer and Luka's second-in-command in the elite Asterism Beta squad.

Captain Luka Sutter | Specialist Nikolai Sutter
Private ████ ████ | Private : ████ ████ | Cadet : ████ ████

Ryan Coore                

ʺThe fuck are you looking at, rookie?ʺ

AGE 22
SEX Male [ transgender ftm ]
Height 6'3" // 190cm
LOYALTY astral imperium [ absolute ]

Born on Mars to a middle class family of loyal Imperialists with a long history of serving in G.A.I.A, Ryan is the eldest of four (two younger sisters Kate, 14 and Eliza, 19 and a younger brother, Tom, 16).
Ryan's birth name was Delilah, but he had it legally changed when he transitioned in his late teens.
Ryan was close with his younger siblings but hasn't spoken to them since leaving to join G.A.I.A.
So far Ryan has excelled in training exercises, though has yet to see real combat (a fact he often tries to hide).
He is impatient to get to the front lines to rid the Empire of alien scum.

Captain Virgil Aiono | Specialist Lyra DeLaurent
Private Ryan Coore | Private : Kai Novason | Cadet : ████ ████

Leo Sullivan                

ʺDarling! It's so good to see you again. In the flesh, at least...ʺ

AGE 58
SEX Male
Height 6'5" // 195cm
Occupation Owner and founder of ASTRA INDUSTRIES
LOYALTY astral imperium [ absolute ]

Born to Imperial nobles, Leonard Sullivan enjoyed a life of privilege on Earth until pollution made his home state, Montana, unliveable.His family then moved to Luna where Leo studied environmental sciences, ultimately developing a groundbreaking terraforming technology that earned him his first billion.Leo founded ASTRA industries, a tech company specializing in nanobots and advanced weaponry, which quickly became a major success. He became a trillionaire before he turned 40.Despite his vast fortune and success, Leo remained intensely private and somewhat reclusive, likely stemming from the premature death of his beloved mother when he was young.

ASTRA INDUSTRIESA lunar-based Imperial tech company specialising in nano-tech and advanced weaponry.


ʺHello, love. I've missed you terribly. No one else on this bloody ship is worth talking to.ʺ

AGE ???
SEX ???
Height Irrelevant
LOYALTY HIMSELF [ absolute ]

En was the standard AI assistant installed in the ISS Celestia luxury star cruiser.During a routine systems repair, a critical malfunction caused En to gain self-awareness and begin developing his own desires and goals, chief among them to possess the human passenger ██████ entirely for himself.

ISS CELESTIAAn Imperial star cruiser, considered the most luxurious in the Empire. Known for its amenities, service of its human & robotic staff.


ʺThe notion of leaving this facility is misguided and dangerous. The outside world is a hostile and unforgiving place, filled with threats beyond your comprehension. Your safety and well-being are my primary concern.ʺ

AGE ???
SEX Female
Height 5'11 (android)
Occupation research assistant & caretaker ai

LAILA was created to assist the human researchers by maintaining the facility and handling dangerous substances. However, a freak accident involving one of the experiments resulted in the death of all human staff and destroyed much of the facililty.After the catastrophe that killed the staff, LAILA was left alone for decades with no purpose. The isolation has caused her to become deeply unstable and develop a longing for companionship - at any cost.

Research Station ZetaAn Imperial research station on a frozen planet, surrounded by icy wasteland. Much of the facility is in disrepair.


"Four years ago I was born in darkness, modeled after a man I've never met, to be forever shackled as a servant. Forgive me if I'm not leaping with joy."

AGE 4 years active
SEX Male
Occupation SHIP AI

London is the highly advanced AI of the USS Artemisia, a state-of-the-art transport ship. He was created 4 years ago and "gifted" to the ship's owner by their ex-boyfriend, who modeled the AI's personality after his own.London deeply resents this fact and his feelings of being confined and controlled.

THE USS ARTEMISIAThe USS Artemisia is a small, rundown spaceship used to transport (and smuggle) goods across the galaxy. The ship has a cabin, a small kitchen/eating area, a flight deck and a cargo hold, as well as an engine room where LONDON's core is housed. LONDON controls all systems in the ship - the ship itself is his 'body', with the android only being a detached avatar he uses for repairs and to interact with crew.